Restaurants & Covid-19: Webinar From 3-16-20 (Ep 104)

publication date: Mar 15, 2020
author/source: Jaime Oikle with Roger Beaudoin


Everything is changing so fast right now...

Like you, we've been looking for info and answers -- we talk about some of the things we've seen...

We ended up covering a lot in today's call. Please listen in if you didn't get a chance to join us live.

Note: Obviously this was recorded at a moment in time and the situation will continue to change. Stay tuned to us at for future updates and please do feel free to email me with what we can provide to be the most helpful.

Thank you,
- Jaime


P.S. Big thanks to Roger Beaudoin from Restaurant Rockstars for joining me today for the call! You can check out Roger's resources for restaurant operators at this link...


Quick Takeaways...



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