Does your restaurant's web site sell for you? If your site is like most then the answer is probably not. It's an opportunity that the large majority of independent restaurants are not taking advantage of. Let's look at some ways that your restaurant's site can go beyond the basics to help boost your sales and profits by capturing revenue that may currently be going elsewhere.
10 Ways to Use Your Restaurant VideosJun 26, 2013
Aside from YouTube there are countless ways to use your short videos. Unlike traditional print or television advertising, an online video's duration and uses are limitless!
5 Tips to Double Your December (Webinar)Jun 22, 2013
This webinar is designed to prep your marketing with actionable tools and key takeaways that will maximize holiday results and maneuver toward a revenue-filled holiday season.
The ROI of Social MediaJun 13, 2013
Marsha talks about the long-term benefits of social media.
4 Step Recipe For Great Pay Per Click MarketingMay 28, 2013
Google Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is one of the best tools out there for small business marketing. Joy shares tips for your restaurant to get involved.
An Internet program should be a key element of a restaurant's marketing budget and strategy. A strong Internet program can boost sales while helping to lower promotional costs. It should also help increase customer loyalty and retention as well as be a tool to drive first time trial. This seminar hits on the web "must-do's" necessary to achieve the best results possible. (71 minutes)
Put More Butts in Seats with Punchh (Webinar)May 21, 2013
Punchh is a referral and loyalty program that puts punch cards on your phone. By providing restaurant customers tools to spread via word-of-mouth, and rewarding them when their friends show up, Punchh provides restaurants a way to put more butts in seats.