It is easiest to choose the lowest cost provider, but that can create long term problems. David runs through the questions to ask when selecting an online ordering platform.
9 Reasons Cell Phone Paging Systems are Better than Restaurant PagersDec 16, 2011
Luke outlines 9 reasons why using text alerts sent directly to a customer's phone is much more beneficial to restaurants than sticking with restaurant pagers.
4 Things You Need to Know About Wine AppsDec 13, 2011
Fact 1: People love iPads. Fact 2: iPads are a smart tool for wine lists. Here's four reasons why...
Nothing in life is FREE!Nov 17, 2011
The old adage "nothing in life is free" holds true more often than not. David shares a few examples from the online world.
6 Secret Ingredients For A Great Restaurant Video ShortNov 7, 2011
What makes a video - especially a restaurant video - great? Micki & Tony share six secrets to a memorable and successful online video.
Put more butts in seats by engaging your customers: Why Foursquare, Yelp, Groupon might not be the answerOct 4, 2011
Given the incredible value of existing customers, restaurants need to own these customers not only to unlock their value in the form of referrals, repeat visits and positive reviews but also because just relying on other networks like Groupon, Yelp and Foursquare etc. can have disastrous consequences.
8 Do's & Don'ts of Twitter for RestaurantsSep 28, 2011
Restaurants are using Twitter as a cost-effective way to connect with their customers and improve their profits. Here are some basic twitter rules to get started.
iPads and Wine: a Nice PairingAug 22, 2011
Will tablets like the iPad take over restaurant menu presentations? What about wine lists? Here's a number of ways that the iPad and wine make a nice pair.
What You Can Learn About Social Media from the Food TrucksJul 20, 2011
The food truck business has replaced the days of the mobile dog cart and ice cream man. Today food trucks literally have a full restaurant kitchen inside the truck. One thing the food truck business has going for it is the use of social media sites, particularly Twitter, to freely promote and advertise their business.
Is Mobile Ordering Right for your Restaurant?Jul 8, 2011
In a nation filled with impatience, distractions and discounts, smartphone ordering is part of the future of a changing restaurant industry. It may just be the way to capture the next generation of hungry customers--diners who want to enjoy their meals without putting down their smartphones.
NRA Show 2011 Picture Tour...Jun 5, 2011
A walking picture tour by Jaime from the NRA Show 2011 in Chicago...
Plan Your Ultimate July 4 Barbecue with a New Wine Mobile AppJun 3, 2011
A new free mobile application allows you to instantly scan 150,000 wines in the liquor store to get tasting notes, scores, and food pairings.
New Customers Are Searching. Will They Find Your Restaurant?May 31, 2011
If you moved into a new area and wanted to find a nearby Italian, Mexican, or any other style of restaurant, what would you do? Let's be honest, you would Google it. And what would you find?
Getting Your Customers to Order OnlineMay 27, 2011
Now more than ever, restaurant patrons want to have the ability to place orders online. Smart operators recognize this and many have enabled their website to take online orders. David shares some "how-to" tips.
Social Networking: Marketing Your Restaurant In The Digital AgeApr 20, 2011
Kelsey tells you why social media is not just a fad you want to shrug off and how ignoring it will only hurt your restaurant.