If you have found yourself asking this question in the past, then you are going to want to read Miriam's take on the potential pitfalls involved in tackling PR in-house.
Miriam tosses a handful of ideas into the ring for your restaurant to consider as methods to garner local media coverage in your community.
Restaurant Media RelationsFeb 23, 2010Interacting with the media can be tricky - Unless the message and timing coincide almost perfectly, the information you distribute can be easily overlooked and forgotten. Next time you want to get an important message across, keep these tips in mind.3 Cheap Public Relations Tactics for Independent RestaurantsFeb 10, 2010
I don't care what your budgets are and I don't care what your excuses are -- every restaurant can partake in the three strategies that Jenny lays out.
Delivering Food to the MediaJan 10, 2010
One of the best ways to get a restaurant free publicity is by taking advantage of events and seizing the opportunity. Miriam talks about a "unique" opportunity as well as year-round strategies to drum up media coverage for your restaurant.