WEBINAR: The 5 Step Restaurant Succes Formula

publication date: Sep 6, 2024
author/source: Jaime Oikle with Roger Beaudoin


It’s time for restaurants to solve their labor challenges, increase margins and be re-inspired to transform their business. This session will demonstrate techniques, systems and actionable steps to train staff to learn to improve and run the business as if they owned the business. Don't miss this...

DATE: Tuesday September 24th at 11:30 EST

The show will cover... 

  • Finding and recruiting great people to lower turnover
  • How to establish true leadership, recognize talent and reward additional responsibility
  • Executing cost controls and profit building techniques
  • Increasing sales through hospitality, product and restaurant knowledge
  • Brand Building and trackable Marketing that works

 **Webinar will be available for a limited replay to registrants**

CLICK HERE to register now

Your Hosts: Roger & Jaime...

Roger Beaudoin

Roger is the owner & founder of RestaurantRockstars.com.  As a coach, consultant, speaker, author and podcaster Roger helps restaurants all over the country & world. Roger is a former long-time restaurant operator in the state of Maine.

Jaime Oikle

Jaime is the owner & founder of RunningRestaurants.com. For 20+ years Jaime has been delivering content to help restaurants maximize their profits and be more successful through his website & podcast.

Audience feedback From Jaime & Roger's previous events..



"Thank you, it was insightful, passionate, comprehensive, informative, and inspirational.  I have a lot to digest." - Michael B.


"Thank you for great show. I must admit, I was expecting to have it playing in the background while working. That did not happen! GREAT content!! I look forward to the next show!" - Dean B.


"Thanks for an information packed webinar event. I was able to grab a handful of principles and noteworthy services to follow up on for my restaurants.   With gratitude." - Jeff S.


"Jaime, you and Roger definitely hit the mark. Thank you!"  - Alberto G. 

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