Detailed job descriptions are crucial for setting expectations and ensuring employee accountability. Roger shares more tips...
Roger tells an almost unbelievable story of poor service that should open any operator's eyes.
Why it's important to first hit the reset button before giving up on an employee.
Critical content to get your team prepped for a great 2024!
Can't miss session to boost your restaurant's profits.
90+ minutes of impactful leadership content for your team.
Struggling to keep your restaurant staff motivated and happy? Roger shares tips on creating a positive company culture and successfully incentivizing employees to go above and beyond.
Roger runs through a number of ways to easily boost your restaurant's sales & profits.
Contact packed session!!! 10 BIG questions answered! Watch now...
Roger runs through a quick example with tips for how to best implement at your restaurant.
Quick snippet about the importance of knowing your break-even number.
2 hours of can't miss training!
Inflation plus rising food & labor costs are shrinking margins. Nothing is more important right now than maximizing your menu...
Jaime & Roger talk about pmix as an integral part of having a successful menu making money for your restaurant.
Quick session on the importance of maximizing every table, every time at your restaurant to make more profits.
Content-packed session that every operator can walk away from with a notepad full of actionable ideas.