Gigantic missed opportunity here! Are your servers just order takers? Don't make this mistake...
Shep shares the characteristics of folks that can help your restaurant get to amazing.
In addition to offering competitive salaries, here are six additional tips for restaurant operators.
Learn how AI can make your unstructured feedback - like ratings, reviews, social posts, and open text survey feedback - work for your restaurant.
Rushi shares the secret sauce for keeping workers engaged.
Learn how to compete against shrinking margins and other operating challenges.
A look at how each impacts the dining experience.
We've all heard about "tipflation." A new report shares the current trends.
Shep shares a list of a twenty "loyalty killers" that you must avoid at your restaurant.
15 seconds can go a long way if your staff is trained on how to serve your guests and you provide the proper work environment so your team enjoys the job.
A quick story on how to lose $500+ in business on a quiet Monday night.
The "Difference Dollars" approach to creating a culture of appreciation.
Jason Brooks shares insights from his book Every Leader Needs Followers.
Here's to delivering your best customer service ever!
Roger tells an almost unbelievable story of poor service that should open any operator's eyes.
Jaime and Roger cover 8 key things to help your staff deliver better service and increase sales & profits.