For Bar & Restaurant Owners Who Celebrate St. Pats + March Madness

publication date: Mar 2, 2025
author/source: Nick Fosberg

march madness

St. Pats and March Madness are almost here and I wanted to share the 2 promotions I'm planning to run at my bars.

Before I dive into those, I want to say this. To out-beat your competition in any business, you need to differentiate yourself from everyone else. If you're running the same promotions, same specials, you don't stand out.

What I have to share with you today, will do just that!

Let's get started with St. Pats.

In the past I've run what I call the Pot Of Gold Promotion where 3 people have a chance to win $10,000.

I use a company called Interactive Promotions to buy the insurance package for the money and they give you 3 games that includes 20 security sealed envelopes each. Inside each game are 3 grand prize winners.

We then put other prizes in the other envelopes like free appetizers, party packages, t-shirts, etc.

The way we run the promotion is everyone who walks in gets a ticket and we have 3 different drawings spread out an hour apart.

We pull a ticket and that person picks from the "Pots Of Gold". If the first 3 they open are grand prize winners, they win the 10k. If they are not all grand prize winners they can open up to 7 "Pots Of Gold"

This promotion does really well for us as it's fun, interactive, and NOBODY else in my area does it. This differentiates us from everyone else!

March Madness 10k Giveaway

The next promotion I'm running is if a 16 seed beats a number 1 seed, one person in the bar wins 10k!

I've never run this promotion before but I think it's going to do amazing with the marketing plan I have laid out for it!

This is also done with Interactive Promotions.

Nick FosbergNick Fosberg, author of "100/80/20 Marketing Formula," is known as one of the highest paid, marketing and promotional consultants in the bar & restaurant industry and he owns 2 bar / restaurants in the Chicagoland area. He's famous for creating some of the highest grossing digital marketing promotions in the history of the bar & restaurant business...without spending a penny on marketing. All done through e-mail & Facebook posts. Click here to get the Report: 30 Bar Promotions That Increase Revenue.